Delilah O’Rourke

Delilah is out, again.  I had such a pleasure to work on this card.  As you can tell from my portfolio, I love to paint female characters. Having said that, this one was not without challenges.  I have to thank my very good friend Tracy for posing for me, although without the weapon 😉 and that’s where the challenge was.  I was able to compose few photographs together as a  revolver loading reference and go from there.  The bigger the challenge, the more rewarding is the final!  I am so happy that Delilah was first a part of the Arkham Horror  in Fantasy Flight Games  – “Dead of Night”, after that as a cover for “Point Of No Return” and lastly as a deck card in the latest “Where The Gods Dwell”.

Special thanks goes to the AD Jeff  Johnson for his patience and direction.