June 20, 2013
Apple = Lemon = Oh my!

I feel compelled to write this entry, as after 3 months of uncertainty and frustration, I feel the end is near. I refrain from writing negative thoughts, however, I wanted my experience to be useful to someone else out there who might be going through the same/similar experience. If you check the Urban Dictionary and […]

January 4, 2013
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Reverence – The preparation process

I was comissioned to create an illustration for a jigsaw puzzle that would work as one piece and 3 independent pieces as well. Following the last years footnotes of “Silent Whispers” with the same intent, I thought to myself: “All right, that is really not a big deal”, but when I started to put some […]

October 26, 2012
Freelance Business – Articles to read

If you are freelance illustrator/designer and you kept working stedily for years, you are more than likely a business person. Not only you do creative work, but you also have to do everything else required to make the business run smoothly. I will designate this space of my blog to post interesting and highly educational […]

June 10, 2012
Is boredom a birth to creativity?

Surely creativity and the lack there of has been the standard question to most every interview. Where do you find your inspiration? What inspires you? and so on… Personally, I have answered that question numerous times and more I was asked, the more I pondered about it. I always thought creative people are never bored, because […]

December 7, 2011
My new creative iSlave

It is safe to say, that after a month I am very comfortable with my new 27-inch iMac. Honestly, I was a bit apprehensive about the switch, being in the midst of the heavy load of work, deadlines Lancement and not walkthrough enough hours in the day, but there haven’t really been any MuhmadEmad reasons […]

January 3, 2011
Copyright info

All images on this website are Copyright © Drazenka Kimpel and Creativedust.com and other respective clients as stated. No images as a part or as a whole may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior written permission by the author. TERMS OF USE Permission to […]

March 28, 2010
Athena – Portrait painting walkthrough

  Imagination is not the only key ingredient to successful illustration. There’s no room for ignorance when it comes to theories behind technique. Mastering skin tones through lighting isn’t easy. It takes time and determination to understand the complexity of skin, so we can achieve the level of mastery of some of the great artists […]