May 23, 2017
Knight – Chess Series

I am pleased to release “Knight” – the 3rd in the Chess series. I am still very motivated to finish the series even though I started the project couple of years ago. So many things are happening lately, I had to put the pencil work on the pause. I was so eager to illustrate the Knight, […]

April 11, 2017
FFG – All Men Are Fools (A Game Of Thrones)

Newly released “All Men Are Fools” (AGOT) chapter pack by Fantasy Flight Games, which is ultimately the title name of the card I had a pleasure to create for the deck. For more info on the release please click here.  

January 9, 2017
CreativeDust 4.0

I am excited to present to you a new look for It is a perfect timing to start the New year with the fresh look, and as I put on the finishing touches, I can’t help but reflect on the past and the beginnings. Not too long ago, in the now distant 2001, in […]

October 2, 2015
Part Time Job, Full-Time Artist: Rethinking the Creative Career

Since I am not a writer but I’ve started this blog awhile ago, I am sharing articles that others, “much better with words” creatives have written, in hopes it lands a helping hand where it is needed. Here is the enlightening article ” Part Time Job, Full-Time Artist: Rethinking the Creative Career” by Amy Ng, […]

November 11, 2014
Crescent Moon 2010 – Walkthrough

Here is the walkthrough I created for Digital Artist Magazine – Imagine Publishing, back in 2010.

June 18, 2014
The Thief – Making of steps

While painting the Thief, I saved progress shots so I am now showing you the process from sketch to final in this short video presentation. I am still not able to record the real time painting process because my Camtasia is unreliable and crashes on me all the time. Just don’t have patience to deal […]

May 13, 2014
Art Licensing Representation

I just stumbled upon this very informative blog by Joan Beiriger, in which she gathered a collection of valuable info, if you are in the market of finding an art representation.  Like any other freelancers, our time is divided between many tasks and duties.  Not only do we have to keep our portfolio current and […]

April 2, 2014
Watermill – Final

Ah, after a long, laborious endeavor, this painting is finally done. It would have been done awhile ago but knowing myself too well, I kept adding more and more, working details to “death”.  I really should train harder to stray away from overworking things.  In any case, I can close this page out and work […]

March 19, 2014
Watermill – color rough (WIP)

Here is the color rough I decided to work from.  Just one look at this color version and I can see many, many problems I will have to fix in further painting. But, it should be fun non less! I am actually pleased with the warm color palette and I think in the final stages […]

March 17, 2014
Watermill – sketch (WIP)

The winter has been going on way too long.  Not that I have anything to complain about, living in the tropics.  Spring, however has so much significance in the way of beginnings; nature flourishes and awakens and animals come out of their hibernation.  We shed winter coats and heavy clothing and feel more liberated and […]